For Slack
The Happy Our bot can be added to your workspace by clicking the “Add to Slack” button above or on the homepage. Once you have given the bot the requested permissions to add it to your workspace, the Happy Our bot will gather information from the other users in your workspace by:
Sending individual messages to users asking them about their interests in various topics. These messages will come from the App user ‘Happy Our’ and are sent directly to each user.

Posting watercooler topics for discussion in the #watercooler-topics channel asking about your interests in various topics.
By either responding to the individual messages you have been sent or by posting a threaded reply on a watercooler topic, the bot will parse your interests from your replies and post them to your user account profile in Happy Our.
Once the bot has collected some interest data on users, it will then periodically create a new message thread between users, introducing them and giving them some context about why it thinks they might have an overlapping interest and therefore something in common to discuss. Users may then continue to converse on that thread, or not.
Users can further interact with the bot by typing in the following commands in a Slack channel:
/coffeebreak – sets up a Zoom video meeting between you and a group of friends so you can meet and chat while each enjoying your beverage of choice and discuss what your working on
/nothanks – opts a given user out of the Happy Our app in the workspace

Administrators may use their portal to configure Happy Our settings within the workspace. Admins can control how frequently the bot is allowed to communicate with each user, they may opt users out of the Happy Our experience altogether, and they can control how frequently the bot is allowed to connect two users together and make an introduction.
Administrators may use their portal to configure Happy Our settings within the workspace. Admins can control how frequently the bot is allowed to communicate with each user, they may opt users out of the Happy Our experience altogether, and they can control how frequently the bot is allowed to connect two users together and make an introduction.
Note: Happy Our uses AI to process response data and create matches between users with similar interests. While we strive to provide accurate and up-to-date information, the responses generated by this AI should be independently verified for accuracy. Users are encouraged to consult reliable sources or experts in the relevant field to confirm the correctness and relevance of the information provided before making any decisions based on it.
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